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Bat/Bar/B'nei Mitzvah

A young Narayevernick at his bar mitzvah. 

The First Narayever Congregation is a participatory community that seeks to find meaning and joy in Jewish life cycle events. Through ongoing participation and education, members can experience personal growth in a traditional-egalitarian environment.

The Narayever believes that a Bar/Bat Mitzvah is part of a process of Jewish learning and commitment. Education begins long before the actual event and will, we hope, continue through adulthood. For those who do not attend shul regularly, the few years before the Bar/Bat Mitzvah event are a wonderful opportunity to begin to do so.

Our family-centered approach to Bar/Bat Mitzvah means that everyone in the young person’s family is enabled to grow Jewishly during the period of preparation for celebrating this simcha. The Bat/Bar Mitzvah period is also a wonderful opportunity for families to undertake activities relating to Tikkun Olam, so that the young person comes to understand that attaining Jewish adulthood obligates one to help make the world a better place. Families who would like information about opportunities should contact the Rabbi or the Social Action Committee.

It is the policy of the synagogue that all children of members of the First Narayever Congregation have the opportunity to celebrate becoming a Bar/Bat Mitzvah with the shul community.

See the links below for more detailed information about our Bar/Bat Mitzvah program.

Membership Requirement

Jewish Education Requirement 

Booking your Bat/Bar Mitzvah

Instruction at the Shul


Special Needs

Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah

Preparation for the Simcha

Celebrating the Bat/Bar Mitzvah

Following the Bar/Bat Mitzvah


Although every appropriate consideration will be given to families, failure to comply with the policies outlined above may result in cancellation of the Bat/Bar Mitzvah, at the discretion of the Board of Governors, after issuing notice.

Thu, March 6 2025 6 Adar 5785