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Meet Our Board and Committee Chairs

To reach any of our Board Members or Committee Chairs, please contact the office. 


President: Tama Soble

Vice President: Jill Magen-Lichtblau

Secretary: Karen Golden 

Treasurer: Francine Dick 

Past President: Phyllis Berck

Committee Chairs (** indicates a member of the Board of Governors)

Adult Education: Rabbi Ed Elkin 

Bar/Bat/B. Mitzvah: Simon Houpt**

Building: Mickey Narun**

Celebrations: Samantha Berman**

Communications: Leo Elias**

Environment: Jill Magen-Lichtblau**

Food: Tama Soble**

Governance: Brian Blumenthal** 

Hesed: Mark Hines**

High Holidays: Anna Pace

Israel: Melanie Segal**

Membership & Shul Community: David Barkin**

Ritual: Sarah Colman**

Security: Paul Cohen

Social Action: Randee Pavalow** and Jackie Silverberg

Wider Community: Micky Fraterman**

Youth: Dana Granofsky**

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785