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List of Narayever Funds

Your donations are crucial for the ongoing work of the Narayever. There are many different aspects of shul life where you can help. Following is a list of our shul funds:

Current Areas of Greatest Need:

Kiddush Fund: Helps pay for the shul sponsored kiddushim. The Narayever offers a kiddush lunch after services each week.

Membership Subsidy Fund: Helps offset subsidies given to members who are unable to pay for their full synagogue dues.

Pay Down the Mortgage Fund: Prepayments to First Narayever’s mortgage will lighten the financial load on the shul now and into the future. 


Other Funds:

Adult Education Fund: Pays for speakers and other educational programming held throughout the year.

Building Fund : Supports the ongoing costs of maintaining our fully accessible building.

Celebrations Fund: Pays for holiday celebrations such as the Sukkot and Shavuot Kiddushim.

Daniel Camenietzki Library Fund: Helps pay for books and periodicals for the Shul lending and reference library.

General Fund: Helps pay for the day to day expenses of the shul.

Hesed Fund: Supports the maintenance of our shul cemetery, and the needs of shul members at times of loss as well as celebration.

Israel Fund: Supports shul programming about Israel

Pollinator Garden Fund: Supports planting and maintaining native species in the Narayever garden, as one small way to restore the land and help the bees and butterflies.

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund: Used at the Rabbi’s discretion. Some of the ways he uses this fund include providing assistance for young people going to a Jewish camp or on an Israel program, to help individual members of the congregation get through a rough patch or buy Pesach food, to encourage shul members who are engaging in Jewish learning, and to support worthy causes and organizations in the wider community. The fund may also be used to support special projects or initiatives within the shul that are not covered by the regular shul budget.

Ritual Fund: Set up to support access to a mikvah for conversion, replacement of torah covers and other ritual objects as well as educational and ritual programming.

ShinShinim Fund: Is set up to support our shul’s participation in the UJA Federation ShinShinim program, through which two young Israelis spend a year bringing their knowledge and love of Israel to our community.

Social Action Fund/Tzedakah: Used to donate to worthy causes in the community as decided by the Social Action Committee (click for more info about the SAC General Fund)

Torah Fund: The Torah fund is for the purchase, upkeep and repair of Torah scrolls.

Wider Community Fund: Supports the Narayever's efforts to link the congregation to the downtown Jewish community and to the broader community in which we find ourselves.

Youth Fund: Supports our youth programming. The Narayever offers a vibrant program of activities for youth of all ages.

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785