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Adult Education

Adult Education Programs have returned to in-person events.
Please check Narayever Net and the shul calendar for up-to-date information.
We are committed to maintaining engaging and educational events that enrich and connect our community.

Jewish education is a core value of the Narayever Congregation. Our adult education committee works throughout the year to provide a range of classes and programs that help both our members and visitors enrich their knowledge of Jewish traditions, values, faith, and community. Every Shabbat following kiddush, we offer an education program — either a class by our rabbi, or a special presentation from a Narayever member or a guest educator or professional. Twice yearly, the rabbi offers mini-series on various topics of Jewish interest.

During the High Holy Days, we hold a learner’s service, and we offer periodic study of Jewish liturgy on Shabbat as well. The Adult Education Committee regularly screens films of Jewish interest followed by discussion, and sponsors a book club that meets in members’ homes. At times, we collaborate with the shul’s Israel and Wider Community Committees, sponsoring lectures or programs specifically on the history, politics, and culture of the State of Israel. The shul is an active partner in the Downtown Tikkun Leyl Shavuot all night study session at the Miles Nadal JCC. We have an ongoing commitment to hosting a program during Toronto’s annual Holocaust Education Week. We hope that through these rich and varied offerings, our members and the Jewish community will see our shul as a place to grow and learn as Jews.

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785